Feedback for IOBA Member Dealers


PRIVACY STATEMENT -- IOBA values the privacy of its customers, and will keep all personal information gathered from its customers confidential. IOBA will never sell, barter, or trade customer's names or contact information. All data collected will only be used to generate feedback ratings.

Dealer's Name:
Dealer's Email:
Buyers's Name:
Buyer's Email:

Please tell us about the accuracy of the book description:
EXCELLENT. The book was in as good or even better condition than described.
GOOD. The book was accurately described.
FAIR. The book was generally as described, but some minor flaws were not noted in the description.
POOR. The book was misdescribed, with major flaws not noted.

Please tell us about the packaging and delivery of your book:
EXCELLENT. The book was wrapped in paper, plastic, and sufficient packing material to prevent bumps.
GOOD. The packaging was sufficient.
FAIR. The packaging was somewhat deficient, not protecting the book from possible water or handling damage.
POOR. The packaging was totally inadequate and/or the book was damaged in transit due to poor packaging.

Please tell us about the service you received on this transaction:
EXCELLENT. The bookseller was friendly, accurate, and prompt. There were no problems with this transaction.
GOOD. The bookseller completed the transaction successfully, and handled any problems courteously.
FAIR. The bookseller was generally easy to deal with, but service could be improved.
POOR. There were problems with this transaction that the bookseller did not resolve to my satisfaction.

Given this transaction, how likely are you to do business with this dealer again:
Very likely.
Somewhat likely.
Somewhat unlikely.
Very unlikely.

Any other comments?

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